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Lab Grown Diamonds
Everyone new to this concept has the same question 'Are lab created diamonds real diamonds?'

The answer is Yes!

A Smarter Diamond is taking root! With over years of research and experiment, new age diamonds is adding crown to human discovery. Now, Diamonds can be produced inside four walls of any lab growing diamond company. Such as us, The Diamond Atelier! We manufacture and trade-in all types of Type IIA (CVD) & Type II (HPHT) Diamonds.
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    Diamond seed

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    Growing Level

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    Rough Stage 1

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    Rough Stage 2

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    Final Polish

Lab grown diamonds possess similar chemical properties and physical attributes as Natural Diamonds. The technology mimics the process of producing natural diamonds. The chambers inside a machine create extreme pressure to give you your diamonds of delight. They are made in a specialized environment under expert supervision.
Explore our superior quality lab grown diamonds that are available at affordable prices.