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1. Lesser Price
Mined diamonds can trade 15 hands and travel across 3 continents before reaching the consumer. Lab Grown diamonds have a much shorter trip between origin and retail purchase, resulting in significantly lower pricing and hence making end consumer's pocket easy.
2. No Child Labour
Children are considered an easy source of cheap labour, they are regularly employed in the diamond mining industry. Lab-Grown Diamond Industry, being a technology intensive business requires educated and skilled manpower and is free from child and slave labour.
3. Rise in Employment
Lab grown diamond companies ensure job security, especially within the cutting and polishing domains. This transition not only brings stability to these sectors but also addresses the acute scarcity of rough diamonds that has plagued recent cutting and polishing centers.
4. Eco Friendly
Nature is more valuable than luxury. Lab grown diamonds does not involve any excavation or digging of the grounds like the mined diamonds. Thus, it wears a cap of being eco-friendly! Next time you make a CVD/HPHT purchase, know that nature has your back!
5. Conflict Free
Large number of diamonds are tainted by violence, human rights abuse, poverty, environmental degradation, and other issues. We go beyond the usual standard to offer diamonds that have been carefully selected for their ethically responsible manufacturing and delivery